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Marisa Stephens

Bernie Steinmetz



Becky Bohn

Pat McLeod



Gene Chintala

Mark Zeno


Men/women age 18 and older, with time to serve through an organizationa are eligible. Submit proposals to membership chairperson or club secretary for Board approval.

Click here to download a New Member Application Form


About the Kiwanis Club of Tiffin


The Kiwanis Club of Tiffin is one of more than 8,300 clubs in over 75 countries around the world. Our 70+ members join over 350,000 Kiwanians in these countries to further the objectives of Kiwanis.


The Tiffin Kiwanis Club was organized at a meeting of 36 men in The Shawhan Hotel on October 4, 1928. The Club received it’s charter from Kiwanis International on November. 15, 1928 in a meeting at The Masonic Temple with The Fostoria Club being the sponsor.


Through the years the Kiwanis Club has undertaken many fund raising projects. The proceeds of these various projects are returned to the community in the form of activities and services which have enriched the lives of thousands of citizens.


About Kiwanis International


It all began in Detroit, Michigan, on January 21, 1915, as “The Benevolent Order of Brothers” with the purpose of a mutual exchange of preferred treatment in professional and business dealings. Within a year the name was changed to “Kiwanis” which was borrowed from an Indian term “Nun Keewanis,” which roughly means ‘Self Expression”. Shortly after its founding it became apparent that the original purpose lacked the power to attract and hold members. Thus, the purpose of Kiwanis became one of “community service.”


The change in purpose was beneficial to the growth of Kiwanis. Kiwanis became “international” with expansion into Canada. The establishment of a Hamilton, Ontario, club took place in 1916. In 1962 Kiwanis moved into Mexico. This international expansion has continued until the benefits of Kiwanis are realized In 75 countries.


Kiwanis International sets the policy and tone for all clubs to follow. The International Board of Trustees which is elected by delegates from the individual clubs. The Board appoints an International Secretary who is the managing director of the General Office in Indianapolis, Indiana.


The heart of Kiwanis is the individual clubs. Each club is made up of men and women from a wide variety of occupations representing the active forces in the community members that allows Kiwanis to realize its motto ‘We Build.” As a Kiwanis Club, these men and women “Build what individuals cannot “Build.” Click here to go to Kiwanis International.

2023-2024 OFFICERS


President: Kaleigh Feasel-Tschanen 

President-Elect: Melissa Mullins 

Secretary: Beth McFarlan-Hutson

Treasurer: Leslie Reinhart

Immediate Past President: Tom Schweitzer



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